» Download The Smudging and Blessings Book Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal Jane Alexander 9781402766817 Books
Wesley Brewer on Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Download The Smudging and Blessings Book Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal Jane Alexander 9781402766817 Books
Product details - Paperback 96 pages
- Publisher Sterling; 52613th edition (April 7, 2009)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 9781402766817
- ISBN-13 978-1402766817
- ASIN 1402766815

The Smudging and Blessings Book Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal Jane Alexander 9781402766817 Books Reviews
- This is a must have as far as cleansing your space, spirit and home. This is a step by step with colorful pictures and steps. Very interesting and a great book to have. I bought one as a gift for my mother, and she loves it too. Great for beginning and learning. I'm very pleased with the author.
- What a great reference book! Discusses how to smudge, become aware of blessings and energy within your home. Also, how to use essential oils and crystals. Wonderful book! Quick read and reference book!
- Not sure where to start... I grow sage and have a very extensive permaculture garden and our oldest ( almost 4years ) started having night terrors. My mother-in-law naturally chimed in that my wife was a violent sleep walker as a child. If you do the research there is a high percentage of children of sleep walker/night terror children who have the same prob ..like 95% . otherwise only 1-6% of kids have night terror/sleep walking issues... I said F that this house is rented from a dysfunctional family with kids that aren't 100% etc etc . The people before us bought the house from an A-hole as the neighbors tell us. Regardless of it all. If you have strength of thought and the people/family you are with will believe, smudge the heck out of the place and read from the chapters dealing with cleansing and healing. FYI GET A FLIPPEN COMPASS don't stare at your phone or distract you or your family from the task at hand... No more night terrors after night one.. and after I even smudged my workshop and the car. WHEN MY MOTHER-IN-LAW visits her voo-doo is left on the porch ! lol
- What an amazing book! I purchased it for different ideas on smudging my home, but was thrilled with the additional content on auras, crystals, spirit animals. It's a wonderful addition to my toolbox to keep my home in spiritual harmony.
- The ritual of smudging can be defined as "spiritual house cleaning." In theory, the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space where it will be regenerated into positive energy. I’m pretty new to it, having only done one sage smudging once. As I’m a big proponent of the placebo effect in medicine, I was interested to see if this would also work. My current apartment has a lot of negative energy attached to it so I thought I’d give this a try. I like that the book includes the chakras and the aura cleansing is all about visualization. There were parts that I wanted to just skip to, however, but the cleanses/ rituals reference materials or animal spirits introduced earlier in the book. So it’s meant to be read through I suppose, which I didn’t love. I’m not a big animal spirits person. But you can’t beat someone being thorough.
- This book was very helpful in caring out rituals that keep the positive in our lives. I used it when my granddaughter was being plagued by ghostly events in her home. It cleared up the problems right away. Will be using it as a reference guild as we need more positive vibes in our lives and home.
- Interesting read. I am a Religious person, but after what I have seen and heard, I do grow sage and lavender, and I do smudge and bless my home. I may not agree with all I read in this book, I have done home smudging and blessings, and have had results.
- It gets the idea across. I would call it the edited version for those of us that don't want the entire history of smudging. It really gets to the point of what things are for! I do wish that it had more information on the use of the different oils. Otherwise, for a novice like me...I like it!